Young Adult Faithful Bible Study Group

YOUNG ADULT FAITHFUL is a group for young men and women, ages 18-30, who want to learn more about God through scripture, connect their faith and life, and develop meaningful relationships. It provides opportunities for you to meet other young people in our congregation through Bible study, service, and social events. 

Contact Britney Krueger for more information-


Young Adults are invited to serve monthly at United Harvest in Hastings. 

United Harvest takes place the third Saturday of every month at the Peace Center on 7th Street. Non perishables and fresh food is provided to community members, no questions asked. We will assist in loading food, directing traffic, and other tasks. 

United Harvest Dates:

  • January 20
  • February 17
  • March 16
  • April 20

Other Service Opportunities:

Faith in Action- April 20-21

Young Adult Ministry Servant Event

Be a Servant of Jesus Christ over

Memorial Day Weekend!

Join 2024 Graduates, college students and other young adults for a weekend in the Rockies helping (LVR)

Lutheran Valley Retreat with a variety of work projects and Sunday we will help with worship.

Activities include Team Building, Bible Study, Singing, Campfires, High Ropes, Rappelling, Horseback riding, Rock Climbing and Hiking to Cedar Mountain.