
Older, Wiser, Lutheran/Laughing/Lighthearted, Souls/Seniors/Saints (we couldn't agree on the last two adjectives!)

Welcome to OWLS! We are a fellowship group at Faith Lutheran Church

for retired (and working) seniors who are interested in meeting monthly

for service and fellowship.

If you're interested in joining this group, please call the

church office to get yourself added to our roster.

2024 Activity Schedule

FEBRUARY 2024        Orphan Train Presentation - Faith

MARCH 2024        "Running the Bases" Movie & Discussion - Faith

APRIL 2024        Shrine of Fatima & Catholic Church Tour - Arapahoe

MAY 2024        Peony Gardens Tour - Trumbull

JUNE 2024        Sod House Tour - Holstein

JULY 2024        Daylily Watching - Bradshaw

AUGUST 2024        Nebraska Prairie Museum - Holdrege

SEPTEMBER 2024        Progressive Dinner - Hastigns

OCTOBER 2024        Hearts and Hands Against Hunger Servant Event - Hastings

NOVEMBER 2024        Orphan Grain Train Servant Event - Grand Island

DECEMBER 2024        Christmas Soup Supper - Faith

JANUARY 2025        South America Trip Presentation w/ Pastor Paul - Faith

FEBRUARY 2025        Card Games - Faith

MARCH 2025        Sandhill Crane Watching - Alda        

Help Page for Hosts

Thank you for hosting one of our monthly gatherings. Listed below are a few tips to help you plan the outing and get the word out!

Once you've planned your event, let the church office know the details. Tina will then create a flyer for the bulletin boards, article for the newsletter, and send the group text messages. Please note: in order for details to make the newsletter, Tina needs the information by the 2nd Friday of the prior month.

Click here for a newsletter form that may help you plan your event:  Event Worksheet for Hosts

Virtual South America Tour

Presentation given by Pastor Paul Dunbar and Phoebe Dunbar

at OWLS gathering on 2/17/25